Differences Training
Für den Betrieb von einmotorigen Landflugzeugen mit Kolbentriebwerk SEP (Land) mit elektronischem Fluginstrumentsystem und/oder mit Leistungsregelung über einen Bedienhebel sieht der Gesetzgeber Differences Training vor. Unterschiedsschulungen erfordern den Erwerb von zusätzlichen Kenntnisse und eine Schulung mit geeignetem Ausbildungsgerät.
Die Unterschiedsschulung wird von einem Fluglehrer außerhalb einer ATO (Approved Training Organisation) durchgeführt. Die Zeit der Ausbildung wird im Flugbuch als 'DUAL' eintragen, der Fluglehrer ist 'PIC'. Die Eintragung (EFIS, SLPC, VP, etc.) wird im Deinem Flugbuch dokumentiert.
Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS)
Für den Betrieb von Flugzeugen mit Glascockpit wie das Garmin G1000 etc. brauchst Du das Differences Training Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS).
Kurs G1000 VFR von Prof. Peter von der Lippe
Visual Introduction to the Garmin G1000 by F.I. Peter Wheeler
Garmin G1000 Pilot's Guide (Cockpit Reference Guide, EN)
G1000 transition tips by Plastic Flying (Article)
Avidyne versus Garmin G1000 by Philip Greenspun (Article)
Single Lever Power Control (SLPC)
Für den Betrieb von unseren Flugzeugen DA40 TDI / NG mit Motor CD-135 / Austro Engine brauchst Du das Differences Training Single Lever Power Control (SLPC).
Variable Pitch (VP)
Für den Betrieb der Aquila AT01 mit Rotax 912 S3 brauchst Du das Differences Training Variable Pitch (VP).
Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Part-FLC
GM1 FCL.010 - Definitions
AMC1 FCL.050 - Recording of Flight Time
- EASA Type Rating & License Endorsement List -
Aircraft Variants
1. Aircraft within class ratings
Aircraft within classratings may not have associated operational suitability data in accordance with Part‐ 21. The "EASA Type Rating & License Endorsement Lists Flight Crew" provide categories of class ratings – such as SEP, MEP, SET, etc. – and indicate aircraft which are considered as variants.
Aircraft within the same class rating which are separated by a horizontal line in the tables require differences training, whereas those aircraft which are contained in the same box require familiarisation training when transitioning from one aircraft to another (3). As an example, SEP (land) aircraft with variable pitch propeller and SEP (land) aircraft with retractable undercarriage require differences training (unless credits have been established through the OSD), whereas two different SEP (land) aircraft, both with cabin pressurisation require familiarisation training.
All aircraft within the same class rating MEP or SET require differences training unless credits have been established by operational suitability data in accordance with Part‐21 (OSD).
Unless determined by the OSD, revalidation for each SET aircraft must be accomplished individually.
(a) Differences training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on an appropriate training device or the aircraft.
(b) Familiarisation training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge.